Wait! First she has to pass mompire’s milk test. A lush treehouse in the quiet woods overlooking a serene lake. Tethered to the bed post w/arms above her shoulders, ought to bring em beauties out in full glory. Mompire throws the window open, letting in a cool breeze that swirls around each full, heavy globe 👌Now his mouth is perfectly equipped to get every last tingly drop of her sweet milk. Small fuzz lined, toothless wicked mouth. Inside a tactile ‘¥’ shaped forked reptilian tongue lined w/suction cups. An on-demand-vibrate feature adds exquisite stimulation that is a tit voyeurs’ eye popping 😳 delight. This expertly skillfully lactation prep brings milk to non lactating breasts. Imagine what it’ll do to these funderfull, sw00LLen, heavy and tingly already lactating globes. Mompire enjoys nicely and fully prepping super sensitive milkers like these. The moaning, hissing, shuddering and caressing his bald noggin are an added plus and incentive if she coos to him and calls him endearing names like baaaabee, telling how much she loves tit. Every last sweet drop of her love filled milk is guaranteed when that eject reflex invariably kicks in. Mompire has a keen nose for the sw00LLen ducts throbbing in readiness to explode. Millllkkfest to the max, yess, Yumm! 😘😋 I love seeing your wedding ring as you share those full boobs with the long nipples that are waiting to be sucked on. Mmm those thick nipples show the excitement of being milked, so suchable and ready to burst.Very hot. Her boobs look so amazing and my mouth waters just thinking about sucking the milk out of them. :D. Fantastic pair of big tits babe Love to play with them and suck on your lovely big hard nipples.
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